

Diabetes and Eye Exams: What You Should Know

By Sunil Khatri

Your eyes can be severely affected if you have diabetes. Apart from your eyes, this disease can affect several parts of your body. However, an effective way to keep that under check is consistent checkups and regulations. That brings us to the subject of eye exams meant for people who have diabetes.

If you have doubts about eye exams or simply want to know more, this article will help you. Read on to find out all that you need to know about diabetes and eye exams before heading to an eye checkup near me.

How can diabetes affect your eyes?

Diabetes can have numerous effects on your eyesight, including an increased risk for conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma. However, the main concern is diabetic retinopathy.

This is the condition where the blood vessels present in the retina of your eyes are damaged. If the damage continues, the patient may lose their eyesight as the retina is the light-sensitive portion of the eye that helps a person see. It will start with blurry vision, gradually deteriorating the ability to perceive.

People suffering from diabetes 1 and 2 are likely to be affected. With age, a person who has diabetes will have a higher chance of suffering from diabetic retinopathy. However, if not be avoided, such a situation could be delayed by taking proper care of the eye and adopting better lifestyle habits.

How can diabetic retinopathy be diagnosed?

As mentioned earlier, one of the secure ways to be aware of your condition is to regulate yourself continuously. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you should get yourself signed up for an eye exam within the first year of getting diagnosed.

Your condition could be revealed through an eye dilation exam. This is a simple test where your doctor would put a specific eye drop in your eyes and ask you to wait until the eyedrop starts working. This could take about 15 or so minutes to start working.

This eyedrop will simply help dilate your pupil so that the retina of your eye is visible. This will allow your doctors to examine the retina to see if you are suffering from diabetic retinopathy.

While your pupils are dilated, your doctors may take other tests such as:

Fluorescein angiography

In this test, the doctor would inject a kind of special dye into your arm. This will help the doctor understand which blood vessels inside your retina are damaged and which are well.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

This includes taking high-definition images of the retina that would help the doctor examine them better.

What should you remember before going for an eye exam?

Going for an eye exam near me for diabetic retinopathy is a simple and painless process. However, it can be a little time-consuming. Also, the eye drops used in the examination can make your vision blurry for a couple of hours, so make sure you have a companion accompanying you to the test.

It would be best if you are prepared to answer questions such as the appearance of the first symptoms, details about your diabetes, and any irregularities. If you have any questions, you should make sure that all your doubts are cleared.

If you have diabetes and want to get your eyes checked, schedule an appointment with Bullock's The Eye-Opener at 604-739-2015 today. We have expert doctors and advanced technology to help you get the best services for your eyes.